The offices

The office of the information in normative law

It was formed in 1995. The office has the fund of academic, scientific, reference books, reports in normative law, workbooks and visual aids in law disciplines; they keep account of academic material and visual aids of the office and the libraries of the university.

The office workers help the students and the lecturers in search of the information in normative law; render services in the multiplication of lecture materials for the independent work of students .

The office of criminology

It was formed in 2000. The reference direction of the office is to develop students’ practical skills in the speciality. This aim is achieved by conducting practical training in the subjects criminal law, criminal process, criminology, special courses of specialization “Law-prosecutor- investigation activity”. At the same time videolektures and seminars in the special course subjects of criminal- law cycle.

There are more than 60 mock-ups, exhibits, instruments, devices for revealing and withdrawal of the tracks of crime. The videocollection of the office consists of the educational films in different divisions of criminology, carrying out of individual investigation actions and the detection of some crimes.

Business games are conducted in the office of criminology; while playing them students acquire skills of the resolving of typical investigation situations. The office is also used for conducting the excursions, which give an idea of the specialty of a lawer and one of its directions - law-prosecutor- investigation activity.

The office of the methodology of state and right

It was formed in 2006. The chief aims of the office are:

- to help the faculty to conduct academic, scientific, educational work; to organize the independent work of students in the process of mastering the basic and special courses, to develop skills of the creative application of the obtained knowledge in the practice;

- to develop didactic material with the use of Computer for the practical and seminar studies for academic disciplines and special courses of the department;

- the form the fund of academic books in academic disciplines and special courses of the department; it’s constant renovation with information in normative law, literature, audio- and video materials; to catalogue scientific and academic literature; to prepare annotations for the scientific literature, periodical and newspaper articles which in compliance with the academic courses and special courses conducted at the department;

- to organize student scientific conferences and competitions, including the creation of electronic library, consultation and the involvement of students in the republic competitions of scientific student paper works in law sciences;

- to train students in the specialization “The organization of the activity of the law-enforcement agencies of Republic of Belarus' against human traffic”.