The Department of political science and sociology

It was formed in 1992.

At different times the subdepartment was headed by the candidate of philosophical sciences, the associate professor Kochetkov V.I., the candidate of sociological sciences, the the associate professor Rychkov A.U., DPhil, professor Osipova O.S.

The training process is organized by the highly skilled faculty, the majority of the lecturers have academic degrees and titles, the significant experience of pedagogical work.

The lecturers of the department of political sociology read the courses of political science and sociology at all departments of the university. Furthermore, for the students of economic department - special courses “the theory of diplomacy and consular service”, “sociology of administration”; for the students of the department of physical culture - “organization of tourism”.

The reference direction of the scientific research work of the faculty is the improving of the quality of teaching and the study of political science and sociology in VUZ (Institute of Higher Education). Furthermore, the sociological studies, dedicated to the urgent social problems of Gomel region and Republic of Belarus' as a whole are conducted by the associate professor Kasyanenko A.P. Practical recommendations for the solution of these problems are made on the basis of the analysis of public opinion.

The members of the subdepartment achieve close collaboration with the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus', the Institute of Sociopolitical studies with the president's administration of Republic of Belarus', the Information- analytical center with the President of republic Belarus', Gomel Executive Committee.

The lecturers constantly carry out educational work among the students. In the process of the teaching of political science and sociology they try to develop the need for the civil political culture level improvement, to form the skills of self-discipline, culture of behavior and feeling of responsibility for oneself, society and state.




Tishkevich Mikhail Yakovlevich

Head of the Department of political science and sociology

Candidate of sociological  Sciences, associate Professor

Courses taught: "Sociology", "Politics", "Social policy"

Research interests: the Interaction of political and social systems in the operation and distribution of power, socio-cultural determinants of political life, technologies and methods of sociological research of political life, local government and self-government.

Graduated fromGomelstate University named after F. Skorina in 1988, has been working at the University since 1989. Conducts sociological research with students.

Some publications:

1. Tishkevich M. Y. public relations in activities of local Executive authorities: political dimension / Tishkevich M. Y. // Ippocrene. – 2009. No. 1. – P. 68-79.

2. Tishkevich M. Y. the Activities of local government and self-government  with public relations: organizational and functional aspects / M. I. Tishkevich // Work. Unions. Society. – 2009. - No. 2. P. 57-61.

3. Tishkevich M. Y. public relations as a political-administrative technology: formation and development / Tishkevich M. Y. // Work. Unions. Society. – 2010. – No. 1. – P. 75-78.


Voronenko Alexandr  Ivanovich

Assistant Professor,  Department of political science and sociology

Courses taught: "Sociology", "Sociology of education"

Research interests: System of modern school education in theRepublic ofBelarus, sociology of education. 

Graduated fromGomelstate University named after F. Skorina in 2003.

Has been  working at the Department of political science and sociology at the University since 2005. In 2011 he got a postgraduate degree at the Department of sociology in Belarusian State University.  He Is the head of the regional office survey of network of Information analytical center at the presidential Administration of the Republic of Belarusin the Gomelregion. Regularly attracts University students to sociological studies through the work of the sociological laboratory of the Department. Manages the Club of intellectual games "What? Where? When?».

Some publications:

1. Voronenko A. I. School education in theRepublicofBelarusin the medium and long term / A. I. Voronenko // the Future of Belarus. Opinion of young researchers : collected papers. articles / under the editorship of E. Progerman; Public Association "Discussion and analytical community "Liberal club" Center of analytical initiatives. –Minsk, 2014. – p. 283-312.

2. Voronenko, A. I. proceedings of the conference "Ways of dealing with plagiarism  of pupils and students: a practical experience" // "Modern education: continuity of educational system "school–higher school": Materials of IX international scientific conference (Gomel, 14-15 November 2013). In 2 parts. Part 1. –Gomel, 2013. – p. 91-93.

3. Voronenko, A. And the Results of innovational activity in the course of the project "Introduction of system of estimation of level of readiness to professional self-determination on the basis of sociological monitoring" // Innovations in modern education: experience and prospects: collection of materials of International scientific-practical conference. October 30, 2014,Mogilev/ Ed.tip:StarovoitovaI.A., etc. –Mogilev: EE "MHOIRE", 2014. – 298 p. P. 101-104.


Kasyanenko Anatoly Petrovich

Candidate of philosophical Sciences, associate Professor

Courses taught: "Sociology", "Sociology", "Sociology of tourism", "Economic sociology"

Research interests: methodology of sustainable development, sociology of tourism, the development of rural tourism in Belarus, education in places of deprivation of liberty, clustered strategy for the development of tourism, sociology of civil society, social entrepreneurship

Is the coordinator of the TEMPUS project "Training and professional development of teachers of tourism disciplines in theRepublicofBelarus", approved by the Council of Ministers of theRepublicofBelaruson the 24 th of July 2012 №671. Is a member of Republican coordination Council on agroecotourism with the Department of tourism of theRepublicofBelarus, and Deputy of the coordinating Council of public associations and political parties at theGomelregional Executive Committee.

Some publications:

1. Kasyanenko, A. P. Interaction of local authorities and public associations in the sustainable development of Gomel region / A. P. Kasyanenko, Tishkevich M. Y. // Legal system of the society: priority areas for development: scientific collection. art / Univ. :I.I.Esmanovich (chief editor) [ and others] ; Ministry of education ofBelarus,Gomelstate University im. F. Skorina , 2013. – P. 17-21.

2. Kasyanenko A. P. Analysis of the civil society sector of theRepublicofBelarusis involved in regional and local development. Analytical report. The A. V. Sivograkov(leader), Kasyanenko A. P., Lysiuk A. I. –Minsk,2014 -132 p.

3. Kasyanenko A. P. Atlas of social services non-profit organizations (NPOs) in theGomelregion. Kasyanenko A. P.,Kecoh N. And., Dedkova E. M. -Gomel: Bark. 2014, 92 PP.

4. Kasyanenko A. P. Tourism in Pripyat Polesie./ V. T. Demyanchik [ et al.] –Brest: Alternative.2014, -140 p.


Timoshenko Marina Vladimirovna

Senior lecturer of the Theory and History of State and Law Department

Courses taught: European Right, Legal Basics of State Management, Children’s Rights, Records Management

Timoshenko Marina Vladimirovna in 2000 graduated with honours from the the Law Faculty of GSU. Since 2004 she worked as an assistant of the Civil Law Disciplines Department. From 2009 to 2012 she took a course of postgraduate studies in GSU. She completed postgraduate studies with her theses done and was awarded with the qualification “Researcher”.

Some publications:

1. Timoshenko M.V. O nekotoryh voprosah kompetencii rajonnogo ispolnitelnogo komiteta [On some issues of the competence of district executive committees] / M.V.Timoshenko. - Izvestiya Francisk Skorina Gomel State University: scientific journal: 2012, No.  3 (72) – P. 64-71

2.Timoshenko M.V. O nekotoryh voprosah uchastija rajonnyh ispolnitel'nyh komitetov v realizacii nacionalnoj programmy demograficheskoj bezopasnosti [On some issues of participation of district executive committees in implementation of the national program of demographic safety] / M.V.Timoshenko. - Vestnik of Yanka Kupala Grodno State University – 2013. - No. 5.

3. M.V.Timoshenko. Teoreticheskie osnovy sovershenstvovanija pravovogo regulirovanija statusa rajonnogo ispolnitel'nogo komiteta [Theoretical basics of improvement of legal regulation of the status of district executive committees] / M.V.Timoshenko.-  Izvestiya ofGomelStateUniversity. – 2014. – No.  2 (83). – P. 163–168.

4. Timoshenko M.V. Formy vzaimodejstvija rajonnogo ispolnitel'nogo komiteta s prezidentom RespublikiBelarus, predstavitelnymi organami i organami ispolnitelnoj vlasti [Forms of cooperation of district executive committees with President of theRepublicofBelarus, representative bodies and executive bodies] / M.V.Timoshenko. - Social'no-jekonomicheskie i pravovye issledovanija: scientific journal. – 2014. No.  3. – 110-118.

5. Timoshenko M.V. Osobennosti metodiki prepodavanija discipliny Evropejskoe pravo [Specifics of teaching of the discipline “European Law”] / M.V.Timoshenko // Aktualnye voprosy nauchno-metodicheskoj i uchebno-organizacionnoj raboty: modernizacija vysshego obrazovanija kak opredeljajushhij faktor razvitija universiteta /Materials of the scientific conference (Gomel, 13–14 March 2014) in four parts. Part 2. / editorial board I.V. Semchenko (editor-in-chief) [and others]. –Gomel, 2014. – Part 2. – P. 281-284.



Research themes, teachers of the Department of political science and sociology took part in:

1. GB 11-13 "the Formation and development of analytical abilities of students in the process of teaching and learning of political science and sociology at the University."

2. Program of European Commission TEMPUS project 543707-ТЕМPUS-1-2013-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES "Ecological Education forBelarus,RussiaandUkraine" (EcoBRU) (Ecological education forBelarus,RussiaandUkraine) - Kasyanenko Anatoly Petrovich, candidate of philosophical sciences.

Some publications of the Department:

1. A. P. Kasyanenko. Sustainable tourism in Pripyatski Polesie. Collective monograph. –Minsk, 2012. – 136 p.

2. Senina, V. F. political Science: a practical guide to conducting SORS for students of all specialties / Senina, V. F.; Ministry of education ofBelarus,Gomelstate University named after F. Skorina. –Gomel: Ggfm. F. Skorina, 2013. – 38 p.

3.Tishkevich M. Y. Social policy: practice.hands-on / J. M. Tishkevich; Ministry of education ofBelarus,Gomelstate University im. F. Skorina. –Gomel: Ggfm. F. Skorina, 2013. – 36 p.

4. Kasyanenko, A. P. Analysis of the civil society sector of theRepublicofBelarusis involved in regional and local development. Analytical report. The A. V. sivograkov (the main leader), Kasyanenko5. A. P., Lysiuk A. I. –Minsk, 2014,-132 C. 4. Kasyanenko, A. P. Atlas of social services non-profit organizations (NPOs) in theGomelregion. Kasyanenko A. P.,Kecoh N. And., Dedkova E. M.– Gomel: Bark. 2014, 92 PP.

5. Kasyanenko, A. P. Tourism in Pripyat Polesie./ A. P. Kasyanenko, V. T. Demyanchik. –Brest: Alternative.2014, -140 p.

6. Voronenko A. I., Tishkevich M. Y. Sociology: systematic features of society: practical. hands-on / A. I. Voronenko, Y. M. Tishkevich ; Ministry of education ofBelarus, the Goma. state Univ. F. Skorina. –Gomel: GSU them. F. Skorina, 2014. – 40 p.

7. A. P. Kasyanenko Methodology of development and implementation of strategies for sustainable territorial development / O. V. sivograkov, A. I. Lysyuk, A. P. Kasyanenko, V. E. Levkevich. –Minsk: Kovcheg, 2010. – 154 p.


Supervisor Chair: Tishkevich Mikhail Yakovlevich, Candidate of sociological  SciencesAssociate Professor

Adress: Gomel, Kirova Street, 119, off. 3-5, tel. +375-232-51-00-69

E-mail:  polsocchair@gsu.byThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.