Theory and History of State and Law Department

The subdepartment was formed in 1994 as the first specialized subdepartment of the law department.

The basic task of department is training highly professional specialists, who possess critical relation to the work and the call of duty, that posses the modern methods of systems approach to understanding of social and state- law reality, that have the skills of  and the practical application of the scientific information, capable of the creative approach to work and problem-solving.

The faculty was formed, mainly, from the highly professional specialists, who have academic rank and academic degrees. 

The subdepartment ensures the training in two specializations “organization and activity of state authorities” and “the law profession and notarial system”. Experienced practical workers are assigned to the training process , which leads to the classical combination of theory and law practice. Scientific and academic work is actively well conducted.

Basic courses given by the faculty are: “General theory of state and law”; “The history of state and law of Belarus'”; “The history of state and law of the foreign countries”; “The history of political and law studies”; “Constitutional law of Republic of Belarus”; “Political law of the foreign countries”; “International law”; “Administrative law”; “Finance law”; “Tax law”; “Official law” and others.

The faculty does the scientific research in: “Law guarantee of steady development of Republic of Belarus”. The students of the Law Department are got involved in the research; they take part in the work of the scientific group of the department “International law”.

Three theses in law sciences have been recently successfully defended.


Nemkevich Igor Viktorovich

Associate professor of the Theory and History of State and Law Department

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate professor

Courses taught: History of State and Law of Belarus, History of State and Law of Foreign Countries


Nemkevich Igor Viktorovich has been working since opening of the faculty and is a diligent employee respected by other employees of the university, faculty and students. 

Supervises updates of the contents of academic programs, annually develops the themes of course and graduation papers. Published more than 60 scientific works, including publications in journals reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission of theRepublicofBelarus. Nemkevich I.V. actively takes part in international and republican conferences.

Some publications:

1. Nemkevich I.V. Zakreplenie prava cheloveka vyezzhat iz ljuboj strany i prava grazhdanina vozvrashhat'sja v svoju stranu v konstitucijah evropejskih gosudarstv [Perfection of the human’s right to leave and country and a citizen’s right to return to his country in constitutions of European states] /I.V.Nemkevich. - Izvestiya ofGomelStateUniversity: scientific journal. - 2011 No. 3(66) p.76-82.

2. Nemkevich I.V. Zakonodatelnoe obespechenie politicheskogo pljuralizma: iz zarubezhnogo opyta [Legal provision for political pluralism: foreign experience] / I.V.Nemkevich.- Pravovaja sistema obshhestva: prioritetnye napravlenija razvitija: collection of scientific articles / edited by: I.I.Esmantovich (editor-in-chief.), etc.; Ministry of education of theRepublicofBelarus,GomelStateUniversity. –Gomel: GSU, 2013. – 144 p. P. 46-56.

3. Nemkevich I.V. Zarubezhnyj opyt zakonodatelnogo zakreplenija prav politicheskogo men'shinstva [Foreign experience in securement of rights of a political minority] / I.V.Nemkevich. - Izvestiya ofGomelStateUniversity. – 2014. – No.  5 (86). – P. 71–78.

4. Nemkevich, I.V. Zarubezhnyj opyt professionalizacii, proforientacii i trudoustrojstva studentov [Foreign experience of professional development, professional orientation and employement of students] / I.V.Nemkevich // Aktualnye voprosy nauchno-metodicheskoj i uchebno-organizacionnoj raboty: modernizacija vysshego obrazovanija kak opredeljajushhij faktor razvitija universiteta /Materials of the scientific conference (Gomel, 14-15 March 2013). In four parts. Part 4. / Gomel, GSU, 2013. – p.199-203.

5. Nemkevich, I.V. Vybor predmetov profilnogo vstupitelnogo ispytanija dlja budushhih juristov [Selection of subjects for profession-oriented entrance exams of future lawyers] / I.V.Nemkevich // Aktualnye voprosy nauchno-metodicheskoj i uchebno-organizacionnoj raboty: modernizacija vysshego obrazovanija kak opredeljajushhij faktor razvitija universiteta /Materials of the scientific conference (Gomel, 13–14 March 2014) in four parts. Part 2. / editorial board I.V. Semchenko (editor-in-chief) [and others]. –Gomel, 2014. – Part 2. – P. 133 – 136.


Karavaeva Elena Mikhailovna

Senior lecturer of the Theory and History of State and Law Department

Courses taught: Roman Private Law, Legal Basis of the Activities of the Notaries, Housing Law, Basics of the Ideology of Belarus, Human Rights, Basics of the Law and Human Rights, Basics of the Law

Karavaeva Elena Mikhailovna has been working at the Theory and History of State and Law Department since 1998, she is a diligent employee respected by other employees of the university, faculty and students.

Some publications:

1. Karavaeva E.M. Socialnaja zashhita naselenija v RespublikeBelarus[Social protection of population in theRepublicofBelarus] / E.M. Karavaeva.-     Izvestiya Francisk Skorina Gomel State University: scientific journal. -  2010, No.  1 (38)-p. 46-51.

2. Karavaeva E.M. Zhilishhnye prava nesovershennoletnih v RespublikeBelarus[Housing rights of the minors in theRepublicofBelarus] / E.M.Karavaeva. - Izvestiya ofGomelStateUniversity: scientific journal. - 2011 No. 3(66) p.34-43.

3. Karavaeva E.M. Gosudarstvennaja politika v konfessionalnoj sfere v kontekste ideologii belorusskogo gosudarstva [State policy in the confessional sphere in the context of ideology of the Belarusian state] / E.M.Karavaeva, L.A.Krasnobayeva. - Izvestiya ofGomelStateUniversity. – 2013. – No.  2 (77). – P. 139-147.

4. E.M.Karavaeva Prekrashhenie zhilishhnyh pravootnoshenij protiv voli sobstvennika [Termination of housing legal relationships against the owner’s will] / E.M.Karavaeva. -  Izvestiya ofGomelStateUniversity. – 2014. – No.  5 (86). – P. 44–51.

5. Karavaeva, E.M. Sposoby organizacii nauchnoj raboty studentov na kafedre teorii i istorii gosudarstva i prava [Means of arrangement of scientific work of students at the Theory and History of State and Law Department] / E.M.Karavaeva // Aktualnye voprosy nauchno-metodicheskoj i uchebno-organizacionnoj raboty: modernizacija vysshego obrazovanija kak opredeljajushhij faktor razvitija universiteta /Materials of the scientific conference, Gomel, 14-15 March 2013: materials: in 4 parts / editorial board I.V. Semchenko (editor-in-chief) [and others]. – Gomel, 2013. – Part 4. – P. 155 – 159.


Mozhaeva Lyudmila Evgenyevna

Senior lecturer of the Theory and History of State and Law Department

Courses taught:  Finance Law, Information Law, Tax Law, Customs Law

In 2010 completed postgraduate studies in BSU. Continues her work at the thesis. The degree of readiness is 70%. Published more than 40 scientific works, including publications in journals reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus. Takes an active part in international and republican conferences. 

Courses held by Mozhaeva L.E. are supplies with academic programs and practical guides, lectures are published. The contents of academic programs is regularly updated, themes of course and graduating works are developed annually.

Under supervision of Mozhaeva L.E. students take an active part in scientific researches.

Some publications:

1. Mozhaeva L.E. O ponjatii nalogovoe objazatelstvo [On the notion of tax obligations] / L.E.Mozhaeva. - Gumanitarno-ekonomicheskij vestnik. – 2010.

2. Mozhaeva L.E. Peni kak sposob obespechenija ispolnenija nalogovogo objazatelstva [Penalties as a means of enforcement of tax liability] / L.E.Mozhaeva. - Izvestiya Francisk Skorina Gomel State University: scientific journal: 2011, No.  3 (66) – P. 68-75.

3. Mozhaeva L.E. Priostanovlenie nalogovymi organami operacij po schetam v banke [Suspension of bank transactions by tax authorities] / L.E.Mozhaeva. – Yustytsya Belarusi. – 2011. - No. 11.-p.55-58.

4.  Mozhaeva L.E. Besspornyj porjadok vzyskanija naloga, sbora (poshliny), peni [Indisputable procedure of recovery of taxes, fees (charges), penalties] / L.E.Mozhaeva. - Izvestiya Francisk Skorina Gomel State University: scientific journal: 2012, No.  3 (72) – P. 42-48.

5. Mozhaeva L.E. Subjekty nalogovogo objazatelstva [Subjects of tax liability] /L.E.Mozhaeva. - Prioritetnye napravlenija razvitija pravovoj sistemy obshhestva: materials of V international conference, 15-16 May 2014, Gomel / editorial board: I.I.Esmantovich [and others]. – Gomel, 2014. – p. 307-313.


Usova Elena Ivanovna

Senior lecturer of the Theory and History of State and Law Department

Courses taught:  Administrative-Delictual and Procedural-Executive Law, Administrative Procedures, Work-related Law

In 2006 Usova E.I. completed postgraduate studies in GSU, continues her work on the thesis. The degree of readiness is 65%. Published more than 30 scientific works, including publications in journals reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus. Takes an active part in international and republican conferences. 

Usova E.I. has a high level of qualification, theoretical and practical knowledge of latest developments of national and foreign legal sciences.

Some publications:

1. Usova E.I. Osobennosti administrativnogo pprocessa v RespublikeBelarus[Peculiarities of Administrative Processes in theRepublicofBelarus] / E.I.Usova. - Izvestiya of Gomel State University. – 2013. – No.  2 (77). – P. 167-174.

2. Usova E.I. Osobennosti ponjatija pravovogo regulirovanija v kontekste nauchnyh obosnovanij [Peculiarities of legal regulations in the context of scientific grounding] / E.I.Usova. - Pravovaja sistema obshhestva: prioritetnye napravlenija razvitija: collection of scientific articles / editorial board: I.I.Esmantovich (editor-in-chief), etc.; Ministry of education of theRepublicofBelarus,GomelStateUniversity. – Gomel: GSU, 2013. – 144 p. P. 101-108.

3. Usova E.I. Nekotorye voprosy pravovogo regulirovanija nezakonnogo oborota narkoticheskih sredstv v Respublike Belarus [Some issues of legal regulation of illegal turnover of drugs in the Republic of Belarus] / E.I.Usova. - Prioritetnye napravlenija razvitija pravovoj sistemy obshhestva: materials of V international conference, 15-16 May 2014, Gomel / editorial board: I.I.Esmantovich [and others]. – Gomel, 2014. – p.307-313.

4. Usova E.I. Administrativnyj process po delam o narushenijah zakonodatelstva po pozharnoj bezopasnosti [Administrative processes for cases about violation of fire safety legislation] / E.I.Usova. - Aktualnye voprosy pravoprimenitelnoj dejatelnosti organov i podrazdelenij po chrezvychajnym situacijam: I International on-line conference of master’s students, adjuncts, teachers and practitioners, Gomel, 28 March 2014/ Emergency Situations Ministry of the Republic of Belarus [and others].-Gomel: GSTU, 2014. – 118p. P.73-78.

5. Usova E.I. Rabota s inostrannymi studentami: opyt i perspektivy [Work with foreign students: experience and perspectives] / E.I.Usova // Aktualnye voprosy nauchno-metodicheskoj i uchebno-organizacionnoj raboty: modernizacija vysshego obrazovanija kak opredeljajushhij faktor razvitija universiteta /Materials of the scientific conference (Gomel, 13–14 March 2014) in four parts. Part 4. / editorial board I.V. Semchenko (editor-in-chief) [and others]. –Gomel, 2014. – Part 4. – P. 212-215.


Esmantovich Evgeniy Igorevich

Senior lecturer of the Theory and History of State and Law Department

Courses taught: History of State and Law of Foreign Countries, History of Political and Legal Doctrines

Esmantovich E.I. has been working at the Theory and History of State and Law Department since 2000. He is working on his thesis about local self-government in the Republic of Belarus. 

Published more than 50 scientific works, has publications in reviewed journals. Takes part in international and republican conferences.

Some publications:

1. Esmantovich E.I. Zakonodatelnye osnovy mestnogo samoupravlenija v RespublikeBelarus[Legal basics of local self-government in the Repubclic of Belarus] / E.I.Esmantovich. - Izvestiya of Gomel State University. – 2013. – No.  2 (77). – P. 180-185.

2. Esmantovich E.I. Genocid na Gomelshhine v gody Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojny [Genocide in Gomel Region during the Great Patriotic War] / E.I.Esmantovich.- Staronki gistoryi (da 870-goddzja Pershaj znagody u yearsapise): zb. navukovyh artykulau. – Gomel: GSU, 2012. – P.144-148.

3. Esmantovich E.I. U vojny ne zhenskoe lico [War has no female face] / E.I.Esmantovich. - Problemy nacio-nal'noj bezopasnosti Rossii: uroki istorii i vyzovy sovremen-nosti (k 70-leiju bitvy za Kavkaz v gody Velikoj otechestvennoj vojny), 24-28 May 2013. – Sochi (Adler). – P.102-106.

4. Esmantovich E.I. Pravovoj status mestnogo samoupravlenija [Legal status of local self-government] / E.I.Esmantovich. - Izvestiya of Gomel State University. – 2014. – No.  5 (86). – P. 103–109.

5. Esmantovich E.I. Sistema profilaktiki pravonarushenij sredi nesovershennoletnih [System of crime prevention among minors] / E.I.Esmantovich, I.I.Esmantovich Prioritetnye napravlenija razvitija pravovoj sistemy obshhestva: materials of V international conference, 15-16 May 2014,Gomel/ editorial board: I.I.Esmantovich [and others]. – Gomel, 2014. – p.307-313.


Ivanova Yulia Igorevna

Senior lecturer of the Theory and History of State and Law Department

In 2001 she completed postgraduate studies in theInstituteofStateand Law of the National Academy of Sciences ofBelarus. Continues to work at her thesis. The degree of readiness is 70%. Published more than 50 scientific works, including publications in journals reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission of theRepublicofBelarus. Ivanova Y.I. actively takes part in international and republican conferences. Under supervision of Ivanova Y.I. students take part in scientific researches.

Some publications:

1. Ivanova Y.I. K voprosu o juridicheskoj prirode mezhdunarodnogo trudovogo prava [To the issue of legal nature of the international labour right] / Y.I.Ivanova. - Izvestiya of GSU: scientific journal – 2010. - No. 1(58). – P.32-40.

2. Y.I.Ivanova Konstitucionnyj princip ravenstva religij i veroispovedanija v RespublikeBelarus[The constitutional principle of equality of religions and confessions in theRepublicofBelarus] / Y.I.Ivanova, E.M. Karavaeva. - Pravovaja sistema obshhestva: prioritetnye napravlenija razvitija: collection of scientific articles / editorial board: I.I.Esmantovich (editor-in-chief), etc.; Ministry of education of theRepublicofBelarus,GomelStateUniversity. –Gomel: GSU, 2013. – 144 p. P. 56-58.

3. Ivanova Y.I. K voprosu o sluzhbe v organah i podrazdelenijah po chrezvychajnym situacijam [To the issue of working in bodies and divisions involved in emergency situations management / Y.I.Ivanova, E.M. Karavaeva. - Aktualnye voprosy pravoprimenitelnoj dejatelnosti organov i podrazdelenij po chrezvychajnym situacijam: I International on-line conference of master’s students, adjuncts, teachers and practitioners, Gomel, 28 March 2014/ Emergency Situations Ministry [and others].- Gomel: GSTU, 2014. – 118p. P.35-40.


Senkova Tatyana Vladimirovna

Head of the Theory and History of  State and Law Department

Candidate of Legal Sciences

E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In 2013 Senkova T.V. completed postgraduate studies in GSU at the extra-mural department of the Law Faculty under specialty 12.00.14 “Administrative, Finance and Information Law”.

Senkova T.V. actively participates in international and republican conferences, demonstrates a high degree of professionalism delivering lectures and giving classes, using brand new methods and principles.

Some publications:

1. Senkova T.V. Mesto i rol suda v sisteme organov administrativno-deliktnoj jurisdikcii [Role and function of court in the system of jurisdiction bodies] / T.V.Senkova. - Izvestiya of Gomel State University: scientific journal – 2011.- No. 3(66) p.89-94.

2. Senkova T.V. Kompetencija suda pri podgotovke dela ob administrativnom pravonarushenii k rassmotreniju [Court competence in preparation of an administrative case for consideration] / T.V.Senkova . - Justicija Belarusi. – 2013. - No.  5. – P. 61 – 63.

3. T.V.Senkova Pravovoe regulirovanie uchastija suda na stadii obzhalovanija postanovlenija po delu ob administrativnom pravonarushenii [Legal regulation of the court participation at the stage of appeal of resolution on administrative crime] / T.V.Senkova. - Izvestiya of Gomel State University. – 2014. – No.  2 (83). – P. 156–163.

4. Senkova T.V. Voprosy realizacii kompetencii suda pri rassmotreniidelob administrativnyh pravonarushenijah [Issues of court competence in case of administrative crime proceedings] / T.V.Senkova.- - No. 2 (28). – P.65-69.

5. Senkova T.V. Rol suda v ispolnenii postanovlenija o nalozhenii administrativnogo vzyskanija [Court function in execution of the resolution on imposition of an administrative penalty / T.V.Senkova, O.I. Chupris. – Sudovy Vesnik.-2014.- No. 2 (90).- P. 71-75.

Grahotskiy Aleksandr Pavlovich

Associate professor of the Theory and History of State and Law Department

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate professor

Courses taught: Constitutional Law of Foreign Countries, Children’s Rights

E-mail:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

During his work at the department Grahotskiy Aleksandr Pavlovich gained a reputation of an initiative and diligent employee. Classes held by Grahotskiy A.P. correspond to the methodological requirements of higher education institutions and are interesting for students. He uses various methods during his lectures and seminars. Grahotskiy A.P. successfully supervises course and graduation works, involves students in researches. 

In January 2014 Grahotskiy A.P. defended his thesis in Legal Sciences. By resolution of the Council of Higher Attestation Commission of theRepublicofBelarushe was awarded with the degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences. Published more than 40 scientific works.

Some publications:

1. Grahotskiy A.P. Admіnіstracyjnaja struktura Ruskaj Pravaslaunaj Carkvy u sіnadalny peryjad: kalіzіі kananіchnaga і sveckaga prava [The Administrative structure of the Russian orthodox church during the Synodical period ] / A.P.Grahotskiy. – Vesnik of Yanka Kupala Grodno State University. Series 4. Legal Sciences. – 2012. - No.  1. – P. 28–40.

2. Grahotskiy A.P.      Pravavoe reguljavanne paradku rjelіgіjnaj kanversіі ў Belarusі [Legal regulation of the religious conversion in Belarus] (1863–1905) / A.P.Grahotskiy. - Sacyjalna-jekanamіchnyja і pravavyja dasledavannі. – 2012. - No.  1. – P. 4–15.

3. A.P.Grahotskiy       Pravavoe stanovіshcha pravaslaunaga pryhodskaga duhavenstva na belaruskіh zemljah [The Legal status of orthodox clergy in Belarusian territories] (1863 – 1905) Izvestiya of Gomel State University. – 2013. – No.  2 (77). – P. 123–132.

4. A.P.Grahotskiy       Zakanadauchae afarmlenne pravavoga statusu Ruskaj Pravaslaunaj Carkvy y Rasіjskaj іmperyі [The legislative execution of the legal status of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Russian Empire] / A.P.Grahotskiy. -          Problemy Upravleniya. – 2013. – No.  3. – P. 132–135.

5. Grahotskiy A.P. Pravavoe rjeguljavanne majomasnaga stanovіshcha Ruskaj Pravaslaunaj Carkvy na belaruskіh zemljah [The Legal regulation of the property status of the Russian Orthodox Church in Belarusian territories] (the second half of ХІХ – the beginning of ХХ) / A.P.Grahotskiy. - Vesnik of Yanka Kupala Grodno State University. Series 1. – 2014. - No.  3 (183). – P. 17-22.


Department’s theme: Current Issues of Public Regulation of Social Relations.

Research area: Current Issues of the Theory and History of State and Law, Current Issues of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Current Issues of Financial, Tax and Information Law, Primary Areas of State Policy in Social and Ideological Areas, Improvement of Legislation on Local Governments and Self-Government, Improvement of Legislation in Judicial Field.

International cooperation of the Theory and History of State and Law Department:

Cooperation of the law faculties of Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy. Management of the Conference section “Current Issues of the Theory and History of State and Law. Philosophy of Law”.

The Theory and History of State and Law Department closely cooperates with Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights andHumanitarianLawLundUniversity(Sweden,Lund) in the sphere of human rights.

Research work carried out by students:

Our students under supervision of teachers of the department took part in the Students’ Research Works Competition arranged by the Council of Europe, the UNO in Belarus, Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and HumanitarianLawLundUniversity(Sweden, Lund). The fifth-year students of the Law Department took the following places: Magonova A.O. – the 2nd place, Bolmotov S.N. – the 2nd place, Astapenko V.O. – the 3rd place. The fifth-year students of the Law Department who did not get any award: Nikitina Kh.E., Gaponenko M.A., Mostovenko E.A., Kramar A.A.

Student Nikitenko T.M. was awarded a grant of the Ministry of Education (scientific supervisor – L.A. Krasnobaeva, Head of the Department, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor). Research Work: International and National Legal Regulation of the Ecological Safety.


Supervisor Chair: Senkova Tatyana Vladimirovna, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor

Adress: Gomel, Kirova Street, 119, off. 2-8, tel. +375-232-51-03-28, e-mail:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Specializes in:

1. The organizations of state agencies

2. Advocasy and notaries