Civil Law Disciplines Department

Two specializations “Law guarantee of business” and “Tax and Bank Law” are opened at the department.

 The following disciplines are taught at the department: “Civil Law”, “Employment Law”, “Social Security Law”, “Civil Process”, “Economic Law”, “Economic Process”, “Family Law”, “International Private Law”, “Agrarian Law”, “Ecological Law”, “Land Law” and others. 

The special courses are developed and are read by the lecturersof the subdepartment: “Notarial System”, “Law position of banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations”, “Law regulation of the realization of bank operations”, “Customs Law”, “Tax Law” and other. The subdepartment ensures training process at the Economic Department in civil law, economic law, private law of the foreign countries, international private law, law regulation of external economic activity and others.

The training of graduates and undergraduates is organized at the basis of the subdepartment in civil law; family law; business law; international private law.

The lecturers of the subdepartment do active research work connected with the problems of the law regulation of the mortgage landing, export transactions; responsibility of the labor legislation, family law relationship and others. More than 200 scientific and methodical works have been published during the last five years.

The subdepartment collaborates with the research teams of the Civil Law Department of  Belorussian State University, department of the civil liberty of Belorussian state economic university, the Civil Law and Civil Process Department of Grodno State University and others.


Kopytkova Natalya Vasilyevna


Associate professor of the Civil Law Disciplines Department

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate professor

Courses taughtInternational Public Law, International Humanitarian Law, World Policy and International Relations

Graduated fromYanka Kupala State University of Grodno in 1986.

Teaching experience – 27 years.

Published more than 50 scientific and methodological works, including 1 monograph.


Esmantovich Irina Igorevna


The Dean of the faculty of law

Candidate of Historical Sciences

Associate Professor 

Courses taught: Civil Law

Graduated from Gomel State University, historian. The teacher of  history and social science.

Academy of management under the President of theRepublic of Belarus, law

Teaching experience – 26 years

Published more than 100 scientific and methodological works.


Kovalyova Elena Anatolyevna 

Associate professor of the Civil Law Disciplines Department

Candidate of  Legal Sciences, Associate professor

Courses taught: Labour Law Methods of Legal Sciences Teaching


Graduated fromF.E.Dzerzhinsky Law Academy of Ukraine (now: Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of  Ukraine) (Kharkov) in 1991 majoring in Legal Sciences.

Teaching experience – 18 years.

Published more than 60 scientific and methodological works, including 2 monographs.


Mikhailov Dmitriy Igorevich

Associate professor of the Civil Law Disciplines Department

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate professor

Courses taught: Civil Law, Commerical Law, Tax Law

Graduated from the Law Faculty of  Francisk Skorina Gomel State University in 2002.

Teaching experience – 13 years.

Published 80 scientific and methodological works, including 2 monographs.


Skuratov Vladimir Gennadyevich

Senior lecturer of the Civil Law Disciplines Department

Courses taught: Commerical Proceedings, Banking Law

Graduated from the Law Faculty Francisk Skorina Gomel State University in 2000, completed postgraduate studies – in 2003.

Teaching experience  - 15 years.

Published more than 40 scientific and methodological works, including 1 monograph.


Fedotov Vyacheslav Anatolyevich

Senior lecturer of the Civil Law Disciplines Department

Courses taught: International Private Law, Commerical Law, as well as a special course Legal Regulation of International Economic Activties

Graduated from the Law Faculty Francisk Skorina Gomel State University in 2000, completed postgraduate studies in 2005.

Teaching experience - 13 years.

Published more than 40 scientific and methodological works. 


Kovalyova Natalya Petrovna

Assistant of the Civil Law Disciplines Department

Courses taught: Social Security Law, Commercial Law, Civil Law, Private Law of Foreign Countries, etc.

Graduated from the Law Faculty of  Francisk Skorina Gomel State University in 2007.

Teaching experience – 14 years.

Published 23 scientific and methodological works.


Subbotina Lyudmila Andreevna


Assistant of the Civil Law Disciplines Department

Courses taught: Iconological Law, Basics of Law, Basics of Intellectual Property Management

Graduated from the History and Law Faculty of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University in 1996.

Teaching experience – 10 years.


Kovalyova Tatyana Viktorovna


Assistant of the Civil Law Disciplines Department

Graduated from the Law Faculty of  Belausian State University in 2014. Undertaking a Master’s Course.


Kolodinskaya Irina Viktorovna

Колодинская Ирина Викторовна

Assistant of the Civil Law Disciplines Department

Graduated from Physics Department Francisk Skorina Gomel State University in 2007, the Law Faculty – in 2013. Undertaking a Master’s Course.


Key Publications of the Civil Law Disciplines Department

Monographs and study guides:

Kovalyova, E.A. Trudovoye Pravo: prakticheskoye posobie [Legal Law: Practical Guide]    / E.A. Kovalyova. –Gomel: GSU, 2005. – 103 p.

Kovalyova E.A. Edinstvo i differenciacija pravovogo regulirovanija disciplinarnoj otvetstvennosti rabotnikov [Unity and differentiation of legal regulation of disciplinary liability of employees (on the basis of legislation of theRepublicofBelarusandRussian Federationon transport vehicles)]. –Minsk: Dikta, 2006. – 152 p.

Kovalyova E.A., Kovalyova T.V. Ocherki po trudovomu pravu [Legal Law Studies]. – Ministry of Education of theRepublicofBelarus. –FranciskSkorinaGomelStateUniversity,Gomel. 2015., 300p.

Kommentarij k Trudovomu kodeksu RespublikiBelarus: dlja professionalov v 40 vypuskah [Commentary to the Labour Code of theRepublicofBelarus: for professionals in 40 issues]. Issue 8, chapter 5. articles 53 – 55 / E.A. Kovalyova, V.I. Krivoy. –Gomel:   E.A. Kovalyova, 2008. – 160 p.

Kopytkova, N.V. Praktikum po mezhdunarodnomu publichnomu pravu: prakticheskoe posobie [Practiсal course in International Public Law: practical guide] – Gomel, 2002. – GSU., 120 p.

Kopytkova, N.V. Pravovoe regulirovanie imushhestvennyh otnoshenij suprugov [Legal regulation of property relations of spouses]. Ministry of Education of theRepublicofBelarus. –FranciskSkorinaGomelStateUniversity,Gomel. 2004., 155p.

Mikhailov, D.I. Pravovoe regulirovanie obrashhenija cennyh bumag na vtorichnom birzhevom fondovom rynke [Legal regulation of securities circulation on secondary stock market]: monograph / D.I. Mikhailov. –Gomel: GSU; TSIIR, 2005. – 164 p.

Mikhailov, D.I. Sdelki hozjajstvennogo obshhestva s zainteresovannost'ju: po zakonodatel'stvu Rossijskoj Federacii i RespublikiBelarus[Transactions of a commercial society with proprietary interests under legislation of theRussian Federationand theRepublicofBelarus]: monograph /D.I. Mikhailov. –Moscow, Infra-M, 2012. – 150 p.

Otvetstvennost za nesobljudenie zakonodatelstva o trude [Liability for violation of the labour legislation] / E.A. Kovalyova, V.I. Krivoy, A.A. Grechenkov. –Gomel:   E.A. Kovalyova, 2009. – 228 p.

Skuratov V.G. Pravovoe regulirovanie ipotechnogo zhilishhnogo kreditovanija [Legal regulation of mortgage housing crediting] / V.G. Skuratov. –Bryansk: Delta, 2008. – 199 p.

Fedotov, V.A. Trudovoe pravo: ucheb. posobie [Labour law: teaching guide] / V.A. Fedotov. –Gomel: GF MITSO, 2002. – 81 p.

Fedotov, V.A. Trudovoe pravo: ucheb. posobie [Labour law: teaching guide] / V.A. Fedotov. –Gomel: GF MITSO, 2002. – 81 p.

Esmantovich, I.I. Grazhdanskoe pravo (osobennaja chast) [Civil Law (special part): practical guide for students of extramural department with the specialty Г.09.01.00. Legal Studies / I.I. Esmantovich. -Gomel: GSU, 2000. – 117 p.

Esmantovich, I.I. Objazatelstva po peredache imushhestva v sobstvennost (ili inoe veshhnoe pravo): uchebno-metodicheskij kompleks [Responsibilities for transfer of property into ownership (or other property law): training package] / I.I. Esmantovich. -Gomel: GSU, 2003. – 171 p.


Research projects undertaken by teachers of the Civil Law Disciplines Department:

1. GB 06-11 Current Issues of Civil Regulation of Market Relations.

2. State Comprehensive Program of Scientific Researches for 2006–2010 Economy and Society, section 4 Law and State Construction (Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Mikhailov D.I., Skuratov V.G.).

3. BRFII No. G08М-206 Social Entrepreneurship under Market Economy Conditions (Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Mikhailov D.I.)

4. European Commission Programme TEMPUS, project 543707-ТЕМPUS-1-2013-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES Ecological Education forBelarus,RussiaandUkraine(EcoBRU) (Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Kopytkova N.V.).


Themes for scientific researches to be conducted by the Civil Law Disciplines Department in 2015-2016:

Kopytkova N.V. (Head of the Department, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor) – International Civil Relations in Family Law.

Kovalyova E.A. (Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor) – Development of Labour Legislation.

Mikhailov D.I. (Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor) – Legal Entities’ Transactions Connected with Investment Activities.

Esmantovich I.I. (Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor) – Prospects for the Development of a SocialState.

Skuratov V.G. (senior lecturer) – Legal Groundwork for Housing Financing.

Fedotov V.A. (senior lecturer) – Legal Status of Entities Engaged in Foreign Economic Activities.

Subbotina L.A. (assistant) – Legal Status of Entities Engaged in Foreign Economic Activities.


Participation in scientific conferences

Funded programs

Scientific publications










Civil Law Disciplines Department












Supervisor Chair:  Veronika A. Bryliova, Candidate of  Legal Sciences, Associate Professor

Adress: Gomel, Kirova Street, 119, off. 2-9, tel. +375-232-51-02-97e-mail:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Specializes in:

1. Legal support of business

2. Tax and banking law